Pioneering the Future of SHM with Machine Learning!
🌍 Our focus was on developing resilient infrastructure in regions prone to natural disasters. By incorporating ML, we’ve developed a system that enhances traditional SHM methods and stands as a testament to the power of technology in building safer, more resilient communities.
🔍 Our project’s integration with Autodesk Revit for damage visualization is a step towards smarter infrastructure management. It will enable intuitive visualization of damage on structural models – enabling quick and informed decision-making in post-disaster scenarios.
🌐 Presenting our project at the platforms like National Center of Artificial Intelligence- NCAI, Pakistan‘s AI Techverse & Finding Innovative & Creative Solutions for Society (FICS) was a highlight, connecting us with industry experts who provided valuable feedback and encouragement.
A Comprehensive BIM Workflow for New CIPS Building at NUST
From Norouz Imam
I’m excited to share the project that we are working on as our Final Year Project (FYP) – the complete Building Information Modeling (BIM) workflow for the New CIPS Building (Center of International Peace and Stability) at NUST Islamabad, undertaken in close collaboration with their esteemed Project Management Office (PMO).
This project isn’t just about lines on a screen; it is about harnessing the power of BIM to transform static drawings into a dynamic, data-rich virtual representation of the entire building lifecycle