As a response to the 2010 devastating floods in Pakistan, UNESCO in cooperation with the Government of Japan has started a major project, “Strategic strengthening of flood Warning & Management Capacity of Pakistan” from July 2011 to September 2014 for improving the flood forecasting and early warning system of the country. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Government of Japan is implementing the second phase of this project for improving flood warning and management capacity of the Government of Pakistan. In the first project, flood-forecasting systems using satellite technology, the Integrated Flood Analysis System and the Runoff-Inundation model was developed for the upper and lower catchment of the Indus River. This project contributes to enhancing the reliability and accuracy of IFAS as well as expanding the coverage of IFAS and RRI models to Eastern Rivers. This system gives prior notice of a potential flood event in the targeted areas, providing them with sufficient time to evacuate enabling the local authorities, its emergency partners and community in the affected areas of town to take appropriate action to prepare for flood events and therefore reduce damage to property

The occurrence of floods and droughts are expected to increase with a changing climate, with the IPCC predicting these water-related disasters to increase in both frequency and severity, as the whole global water cycle is affected by global warming. In fact in many places these changes are already taking place and the world is ill-prepared to respond to these risks. Thus, water management, development strategies and technologies have a pivotal role in reducing the exposure and vulnerability of people and assets to water-related extremes. Innovative technological practices and implementation of strategies at the appropriate levels are necessary measures to address the needs of adapting to climate change, while at the same time addressing the urgency of mitigating climate change.


​The workshop will offer an opportunity to present and discuss the most recent technological innovations and scientific developments associated with the water-related DRR. The workshop will bring together researchers, scientists, water professionals, end-users, managers, decision makers and stakeholders from universities, research institutes, governmental agencies, industries and other interest groups.