Geotechnical Engineering
- Geotechnical Sustainability and Environmental Geotechnics
- Artificial Intelligent Applications in Geotechnical Engineering
- Soil Dynamics, Seismic Design and Geotechnical Earthquake
- Rock and Soil Slope Stability Analysis and Earth Retaining Structures Design
- Development of Foundation and Earthen Dam Design
- Soil and Ground Improvement
- Geological/ Geotechnical Disasters and Mitigation
Skills Development
- Simulation and Statistical Skills in Geotechnical Engineering
- Geotechnical Seismic Design and Geotechnical Earthquake Analysis
- Static and Dynamic Stability Analysis of Slopes and Embankments
- Critical Analysis and Solutions Development for Geotechnical Issues
- Seepage Analysis of Civil/ Geotechnical Projects
- Rock, Tunneling and Mining Stability Analysis
- Foundation and Retaining Structure Analysis and Design
- Software Skills:
- Rocscience
- GeoStudio
- SeisImager 2D / SW / DH