The civil engineering program at NICE was put on a progressive track when NICE came into being with National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) in 2008. The syllabi of degree course are designed to fulfill the mission of the Institute with the national requirements in perspective. The undergraduate (UG) program has already been accredited by Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC). The accreditation history is summarized in Table  have been as follows:​

​Date of Visit ​Purpose ​Remarks
​23-24 February 2009 ​Zero visit ​Commencement of program approved
​9 – 10 December 2010 ​Accreditation visit ​Program accredited for one year (Batch 2008)
​16 – 17 March 2012 ​​Accreditation visit​​ ​Program accredited for three years (Batches 2009,2010, and 2011)
11 November 2014​ ​Scope-of-change visit ​Program accredited to increase the intake from 150 students to 200
13-14 April 2016​ ​Accreditation visit ​Program accredited for two years (Batches 2012, and 2013)
20 November 2016​ ​Washington Accord Delegation Visit ​PEC became full signatory to Washington Accord
27-28 April 2018​ ​Accreditation visit ​Program accredited for three years (Batches 2014,2015, and 2016)
2021 Accreditation visit Program Accredited (Batches 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020)
2023 Accreditation visit Program Accredited for 5 years at Level II* (Batches 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 & 2025)
Implementation of Outcome Based Education (OBE) System
In May 2014, NICE, NUST took an initiative to be shifted to outcome based education (OBE) system. For implementation of the OBE system, steps were taken to address the identified gaps in the existing system. The driving force to adopt this system is its inherent strength in developing comprehensive graduate attributes through different learning domains and continuous improvement in the quality of education. The OBE is designed to show student progress based on the ‘outcome’ of learning skills. In traditional education approach, the performance of students was being gauged only through the achieved grades. However the OBE system exhibits a comprehensive methodology to assess the performance of an individual in the defined three learning domains. Thus it actually ensures that the graduating students have acquired adequate skills in all domains as outlined by the program. Efforts of NICE for implementation of OBE system were given new impetus, with the provision of Manual of Accreditation 2014 by Pakistan Engineering ​Council (PEC). The guidelines provided were used for completing the OBE implementation process.